Sunday, October 4, 2015

Fair Use

The topic I have been assigned is fair use. 

  • Definition
    • Fair use is a copyright principle based on the belief that the public is entitled to freely use portions of copyrighted materials for purposes of commentary and criticism - See more at:
  • Why the law is in place:
    • The rationale behind Fair Use is to help protect freedom of speech. If someone wants to make a comment about anything that is copyrighted, a song or a movie per se, the Fair Use law allows them to do so and use a portion of what they are talking about without getting in trouble for using copy-righted information. For example, if someone wanted to make a negative comment about the movie "The Wizard of Oz" and wanted to use a quote or a clip of that movie to make their point, under the Fair Use law, they are allowed to without the people that hold "The Wizard of Oz"'s copy right coming after them.
  • Statistics:
    • IP theft has a negative effect on employment in all copyright industries. It is estimated that the U.S. economy loses 373,375 jobs annually due to piracy.
    • The U.S. Trade Representative estimated that the U.S. economy lost between $200 and $250 billion in 2005 due to piracy.
  • A teaching resource:
    • Videos
      • The link that I gave takes you to a page with different videos about fair use and copyright information to use in the classroom. Each video is about 6 minutes long and meant for middle school students. It gives the definition of fair use and copyright and also gives students situations where they look at if fair use is fair
    • Lesson plan
      • This next link is an entire lesson plan based on teaching copyright and fair use. There are links to different sources that have info about copyright/fair use, tests and quizzes on the material, as well as ideas on how to relate it back to your students